
Music Teasers

Music Teasers? Introducing the quickest way to announce your new song on radio, proudly Powered by SongBoost.

1. What is SongBoost?
SongBoost is a mobile app that monitors airplay and partners with media houses to help musicians with new releases reach the mass market faster through our music promotion ad-format called Music Teasers. Get it from Google Play or App Store.

2. What is a SongBoost Music Teaser?
It is a short 30-seconds sample from your new song played for the radio audience, similar to an advert. Listen to this sample to get an idea.

3. Why should I use SongBoost Music Teasers?
To help the audience find out about your new song quickly through radio, both at home and in other African countries of your interest.

4. What does the process look like?
A musician releases a song and adds it to the SongBoost app. App starts monitoring it across 400 radio and TV stations. App identifies stations that can promote the song and notifies artist. Artist selects and pays for promo. App generates a Music Teaser and notifies the station. Each time station plays the promo, artist gets notified by the app.

5. What countries does SongBoost cover?
We monitor over 400 radio and TV stations across 10 countries; Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Congo, Zambia, Ghana, Nigeria, and South Africa. Check the app to see which countries you can target with Music Teasers.


Music Teasers campaigns start as low as $25 per week. Check the Android app to see available packages.